Fitsistership has been a global refuge for women mentally, physically and spiritually. We've shared trials, struggles and losses through our journeys that have made us stronger, our bonds unbreakable and prayers unstoppable. Nothing is more beautiful than a group of women of all walks of life uniting to be better, together.

We are so proud of you and thank you for taking this next step in your journey!


The duration of the challenge will be 4-weeks long with a 1-week break. 
(Break timeframes will vary). The goal of the challenge will be to lose 10 lbs in 4 weeks. Challengers must workout at least 5 times a week. Challengers are required to submit an initial before and after photo - Beginning and ending of challenge. Weekly weigh in videos by 12pm every Monday, and final weigh out videos at the end of the challenge.

(Note: Photos will be posted on FitSistership social media platforms and website.)


Post a video clip, photo, or screenshot of your Physical activity of your workout on your Instagram story; tagging your FitSistership Main page for accountability and repost. 


You must weigh in every Monday before 12pm noon (your local time). For those who will be unavailable to make the weigh-in, will have the option to weigh-in the night before at midnight. All weigh-ins’ and outs are VIDEO ONLY. (Photos for weigh in and weigh out are not acceptable). If you miss a weigh in, you will be terminated immediately from the challenge. Regional Point of Contact will post results of their responsible  City/Region Fitsistership Instagram story/Page announcing results and will tag MAIN Fitsistership Instagram page. Elite Program does not need to weigh-in.


You will need to workout at least 5 times a week with 2 mandatory rest days (for recovery purposes) within the 6-week challenge. Workouts must be a maximum of 45 minutes to 1 hour. Physical workouts can include but are not limited to: Cardio, Weights, Yoga, Hiking, Dance, Aerobic Exercises, Contortions, Cycling, Swimming, Boxing, Any Sport, etc.


A structured and simple meal plan will be shared with Challengers, prior to challenge to help guide Regions with nutrition.  


$50.00 for 4 weeks duration as a Fitsistership Challenger and member of the Elite Team fee. Payments can be made in the ‘Products’ tab. This implements the program, coaches’ fees, and your membership in the Fit sistership program.

**NOTE: One on One sessions with our Coaches will be a separate charge from the Challenge Fee of Service**

Refunds /Cancellation Policy: Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.


There will be no fabrication or selling of any FitSistership products allowed by any means necessary unless manufactured and sold by the program/owner. There will be NO soliciting or selling any products. There will be disciplinary actions to follow. Fitsistership trademark design, with approval by Presidents can your team create Fitsistership + City/Region logo merchandise to distribute as a gift. To request approval, submit a design idea to fitsistership@gmail.com for Presidents to deliberate. 

Example: You have an idea for a Tote bag for your team, would like to have our FIT SISTERSHIP logo a part of your City/Region-Team name. You must draw out your design and write up a brief description and send it in for approval.   

If approved to create, you cannot resell. These items can only be given as a gift.


You must complete the following or you will not continue into the next challenge and will be terminated:

-If you miss a weigh-in.

-If you do not complete all 30 workouts.

-If you do not help, support, and neglect your fellow fit sisters.

-Fabrication/Soliciting/Selling of any personal products.

You are solely responsible to uphold these terms and duties on your own for this program to work for you and your group. 


We are your accountability coaches, here to assist you throughout your journey. We will keep regular tabs on you to ensure you are meeting your own expectations , making sure you are staying on track and achieving those goals! 

Regional Point of Contact/RPOC: Teuwilla Sauni - @weellahh.getitright


Email: fitsistership@gmail.com

Instagram: fit_sistership

Facebook Group: Fitsistership

Youtube: Fitsistership

Our business hours are from 8am-5pm PST. Coach’s hours may vary based on their availability, appointments, and time zones. For any questions, comments or concerns; Please contact us through email and member of the Management Team will get to you as soon as possible. Please allow up to 24-48 hours for a response. If you are needing immediate assistance, contact your point of contact to help expedite the issue in the meantime.